Switchfoot's Album Hello Hurricane
"The storms of this life shatter our plans. They tear through our world and destroy our hopes and dreams. They ruin sunny days, flatten the structures we depend on, and shock our world views. Hello Hurricane is an attempt to sing into the storm. Hello Hurricane is a declaration: you can't silence my love. My plans will fail, the storms of this life will come, and chaos will disrupt even my best intentions, but my love will not be destroyed. Beneath the sound and the fury there is a deeper order still- deeper than life itself. An order that cannot be shaken by the storms of this life. There is a love stronger than the chaos, running underneath us- beckoning us to go below the skin-deep externals, beyond the wind, even into the eye of the storm. Hello Hurricane, you're not enough- you can't silence my love." -Jon Foreman
Wow, Just watched the "Making of Hello Hurricane" dvd and it changed my life. I can't even put into words how much passion and intensity was put into this cd. Every song was created with purpose and meaning. Lead singer Jon Foreman said that if his songs aren't in him enough to make him cry, then why is he singing them? It made me wonder if I'm trying my hardest as an artist. So far nothing I have done has made me cry. I want to change the world. I want to create feeling in my images. I want to love them and I want people to feel that love. I need to find the passion in my work.
Can't find my iPod. Think someone stole it out of the van. I was really getting into Jon's music!!!
You should have cried when you made the camera out of you apartment!
"If it doesn't break your heart it isn't love." Yes Hello Hurricane is amazing! The Beautiful Letdown was life changing for me. I am so thankfull that either you or Julia had borrowed that album and that the "blue shirt guy" had impressed you enough to borrow it.
I love your art! You will cry when you create something that is absolutley amazing and then you have to let it go... I know I did...
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