Finals week. Here we go. So pretty much this semester has been framazing...and now I'm paying for it in my Spanish class. But's all about personal growth right?
This weekend was so fun. I had a date, watched conference, went to Idaho Falls and bought new pants and new shoes. Ate lots and lots of good food. Got to see Norman, Nathan, Adam, and Kyle! That was way exciting. And now the weekend is over...and reality is kicking in. In four days Melissa is leaving me! And I will be leaving of the coolest places on this planet. I just found out that I have to get out of here by Friday...not cool...and I'm moving back to the dorms...woot. Luckily I know some amazing people that are letting me crash at their house when I need a kitchen.
Guess who got into the Bachelor of Fine Arts program!! That's right....I did. It was really exciting and so scary at the same time. I was so nervouse to open the letter...I almost didn't open it. And then Lezlie made me. As soon as I saw the word "Congratulations" I did the most amazing happy dance you will ever see...right in the middle of the parking lot. So now I don't have to worry anymore. I have the next few years planned out for me. So exciting!
I leave for Europe in three weeks! I'm so excited...but also so nervouse. What if I get sick in another country, on another continent! I guess I really shouldn't worry about that...but still. Gah, that reminds me of how much I still have to do to get ready.
Anyways...there is so much more I could write about right now...but I have printmaking class in 27 minutes....and yah. If you wanna be awesome you can call me and I'll tell you more about my exciting life.
busy, busy, busy (guess what movie)
Ummm, all I can think of is "Frosty The Snowman" haha
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