Sunday, April 26, 2009

Soooo... three and a half hourse I will be on my way...I'm so excited...and so nervous...but mostly excited...and tired...and hungry...hmmm...this time tomorrow I will be on the other side of the planet...that's really far away...I'll miss you guys soso much!...but don't worry...I have a phone card...and I might check my e-mail like once...we'll if you don't hear from me anytime soon...don't worry...this blog will be updated just for you when I get back...but yah, you guys should leave me comments so i'll be suprised when I get back...anyways...I'm gonna take a little nap...Love you all!

1 comment:

Ryan J. Mannie said...

Je ardoe! Thats all you need to know in France. Tell that to any cute french guy and run off to the nearest temple! (tottaly kidding)

I will miss you mucho and I hope you don't die or get sick or get sad or die (again, thats very prominent in my mind for some reason)

