1. Shopping in Portland......is the best.
2. Thai Food.
3. Pretty Dresses at 2:00am
4. Boys
5. More Boys
6. "Don't mind me..." hahahahahahaha
7. THE OFFICE!!!!!
8. "This is a circle of welcoming. Get out."
9. Buses
Anyways. Back to business. 10 more days until I leave for school! Today I packed all my snow clothes, pants, sweatshirts, and long sleeve shirts. Last night I took down a bunch of stuff off of my bedroom walls. In case you haven't known me for very long.....I love my bedroom walls. I put anything and everything up there. If I get a cool lookng pamphlet....I tape it to the wall. I have a whole section dedicated to cool fortune cookie fortunes! My favorite says "A movie would be a great way to relax this weekend." How awesome is that!?!?! And then there is the Ron Weasly Section......Aahhh I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it. Anyways....I guess I have to get over the fact that that room isn't mine anymore. Just like I have to give up MY car on friday....Julia got her license today. Anyways. Luv you all!