Sunday, April 27, 2008

I realized I hadn't blogged since I got home from school so here ya go! I've only been home two weeks and my life is already crazy. I got my old job back, I work for the county in the tobacco education program. I started work like 5 days after I got back. Next weekend is our annual Bowling Night so I've been making flyers like mad to hand out to schools. Next week we will be promoting at schools during luchtime so that should be fun.

I'm so glad to be back home with my family! It's kinda wierd being back in a place where I have to do chores (not that I didn't do chores at's just different) or where I have a quiet time.....but it's okay. Anyways, here's some pictures......have fun!

Goliath, my baby! I love him!

Elche, The old lady of the household. Everynight she tries to sneak into my room, but I always kick her out. She snores to loud!

You might not be able to see from this picture but we have orange blossoms! It's so cool to go outside and hear this loud buzzing from all the bees that love the blossoms.

Julia makes lots of funny faces ;)

I bought a pair of yellow pants! Ack, I love them :)


Arianna said...

Ahhh! I love your yellow pants! I didn't know you had a turtle!

lace_ie said...

yellow pants are amazing!!!!